Hello :-)
My Name is Daniel Doublier, I am 19 years old and am living in Austria since 16 years. You might guess I am French or something, but that’s not the case.
My father is German and my mother is Austrian. We used to live in Germany till I got old enough to attend to kindergarten. I have an older sister (28 years). She is an Austrian singer and songwriter. I am still at school and not quite happy about it.
I am very interested in politics. In 2015 I joined a local political “group” the “junge Grüne” or English: “young Greens”. It’s the younger version of the Austrian political party “Grüne” “Greens” who are represented in the Austrian parliament, making left wing politics. 2016 I became spokesman of my group and I like it very much. Working with people your age, aiming the same goals is quite satisfying.
I am a scout for my whole life. Every year I attend to an international scout camp, meeting scouts from all over the world. It makes me happy seeing young people of countries which are currently at war or have a “difficult situation”, sitting side by side at a campfire singing and sharing a good time.
At the peacecamp I want to learn more about the current situation in Israel/Palestina etc. and the conflict itself. I don’t know a lot about it to be honest. I’ve heard a lot what politicians like Netanjahu think about it. But I want to hear what people my age think about it- both sides. I want to listen to them and help to understand each other. They are the future of this region.
This is might be a tuff task for only one week, but better start now them never :-)
Looking forward to meet all of you :-)
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